Let's Embrace the New Decade Through Movement!

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I went home to Lithuania a couple of weeks ago and had the most wonderful time reconnecting with my family, tennis community and a couple physical therapists (physios) in my hometown Kaunas. I was very happy to hear from colleague physios that an increasing number of people recognize and seek out their services in Lithuania to help them optimize function, well-being, and return to sports. I also absolutely loved the new tennis and gym facility, Tennis Space, in my hometown of Kaunas with hopes that more youth will pick up tennis rackets in 2020. It’s inspiring to see the community of active kids, adults, and elderly who prioritize their well-being.


The new decade is here and I think it’s a great time for reflection and gratitude. It has been almost 9 years since I left Lithuania to embrace this journey and adventures abroad. I have worn many hats since then: student-athlete, tennis player, coach, tutor, wife and a physical therapist.


I am beyond grateful to be a part of this amazing team here at CHARM and be surrounded with encouraging, positive, and supportive colleagues. I absolutely love my career as a physical therapist. I often see people during vulnerable times of their life when their well-being is not optimal and, often, certain movements and positions are painful. This affects not only their physical but emotional well-being. As physical therapists, we listen, build rapport, assess, and equip our patients with knowledge that will empower them to transform their lives through movement.


During the course of physical therapy treatments in the clinic and determination to apply movement strategies at home, it’s incredible what each of us can accomplish. One has to know that our human body has an amazing capacity to heal, make new neural connections and dissociate pain and movement. I have seen our clients mood change from fragile and upset (since they are in pain) to cheerful, uplifted and confident as they work towards accomplishing their individual goals, whether it’s a high school athlete returning to the sport they love or a mom being able to lower their baby into a car seat without back pain. Our physical therapy sessions are always one on one for an hour, with our client being our top priority; thus giving us plenty of time to get to know your individual needs and goals. I am beyond grateful for all of the people that I interacted with during 2019 and I cannot wait to get to know and help each one of you to fulfill your healing potential. Looking forward to a year filled with growth, kindness, and movement.


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